Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Divorced couple decides to try again almost 50 years later ...

Many of our posts recently have been focused on life and relationships after a divorce. If you and your ex-spouse have children together, chances are good that you will need to remain in contact with one another for many years and even work together as co-parents to your children.

The more effectively and amicably you can communicate with one another, the easier this new post-divorce relationship will be. In fact, trying to make peace with your ex both during the divorce process and afterward can sometimes have benefits that you would have never expected, as it did recently for one Colorado resident.

A recent news article tells the story of Roland and Lena, who are getting remarried to one another after almost 50 years of being divorced. Roland moved to Colorado and lived here for many years after he and Lena divorced in 1964. Prior to that, the two had been married for about 20 years and had four children together.

The divorce resulted in some physical distance between the two, and Roland remarried. But they stayed amicable and even friendly toward one another. In a recent news interview, their youngest daughter recalled: "The way they would act toward each other never indicated there was anything but a friendship between them. My mother never had a harsh or contrary word to say about my dad, and my dad never had anything but loving remarks to make about my mother."

Roland's second wife passed away recently, and one of his daughters urged him to move to New York, where much of the family lives. But he had made up his mind to do more than just move there. He proposed to Lena over the phone, and she said yes for the second time.

The couple is set to wed this weekend. Both are 85 years old, and four generations of their family will be present at the ceremony.

While this couple's happy reunion isn't a typical outcome after divorce, it nonetheless shows that an amicable divorce is sometimes possible, and can result in a cooperative post-divorce relationship.

Source: Yahoo News, "Couple to remarry almost 50 years after divorce," Claudine Zap, July 30, 2012

Source: http://www.denverfamilylawyerblog.com/2012/07/divorced-couple-decides-to-try-again-almost-50-years-later.shtml

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