Thursday, August 4, 2011

Curing Prostate Cancer Is Possible | Arcanes Dechine

Cancer is a result of many related diseases that begin in cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells. New cells are needed to keep the body in good health by replacing died cells. Sometimes, new cells form when old cells do not die off when they should. These uncontrolled cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor.

Not all tumors are cancerous; tumors can be benign or malignant.

Benign tumors are not cancer. Cells in benign tumors do not invade other parts of the body. They can often be removed without problems and, in most cases do not come back.

Malignant tumors are cancer. As they multiply without control or order, cancer cells in malignant tumors invade and destroy the nearby tissue. They can also break away from the malignant tumor and spread all the body trough the lymphatic system.

Prostate cancer occurs when cancer cells in malignant tumors invade prostate.

This cancer illness can be attacked by many working methods. Treatment for prostate cancer may vary according to the stage of the cancer. It may include surgical removal, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal manipulation, biological therapy.

There is no universal treatment that will work the same in individual cases. Depending on factors like type and location of the cancer, size of the tumor, whether the disease has spread, the patient?s age and general health, the doctors may use one or, sometimes, a combination of the above methods.

Curing prostate cancer is possible, and the treatment is more effective if cancer is detected in the early stages. For early diagnose a routine tests are necessary to be performed yearly: an urine test, a digital rectum examination or PSA tests.

At the same time, when men experience difficulties while urinating, noticing a weak or intermittent flow of urine, they must go and ask a medical advice. Other symptoms for prostate health concerns include urgent needs to urinate, the need to wake up several times a night to do this or dribbling of urine after and even before urinating.


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