Sunday, August 21, 2011

Obesity Surgery Center

All you need to know about a Obesity Surgery Center

Obesity cases are now much higher compared to before, and currently there are already more than 1,100 obesity surgery center hospitals. People are now opting for a much faster solution which is surgery, since most of the treatments take longer to take effect in reducing the excess weight. However, prior to your surgery there are still a lot of things that you need to consider. It is advisable to discuss it with your doctor carefully, and make sure that you understand everything about it particularly the pros and cons of the procedure that you are about to undergo. Aside from that, it is also necessary to know every possible detail about the hospital facilities.


It must be an obesity surgery center of excellence

Even though there are already many hospitals, only few of them are classified as an obesity surgery center of excellence.

As much as possible, choose the hospital that has this classification and know your surgeon's expertise, skills and successful procedures done in the past.

Why? This is because the success of your operation doesn't only depend on the obesity surgery center hospitals facilities, it also relies on how good your surgeon is in the said procedure. In 2004, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence (BSCOE) was created so the patients will be guided accordingly. This program covers all the facilities and surgeons located in United States and Canada, and are considered to be the world's largest center of excellence program for bariatric surgery.


How many obesity surgery center hospitals are there?

At present, there are already 452 centers and 791 surgeons who are BSCOE recognized.

Plus almost 300 additional surgeons and 150 facilities were approved but still on a provisional status. Before a hospital becomes accredited obesity surgery centers, they must pass first a series of a thorough site inspection that includes a full review of the facilities, an interview of all the surgeons, staff and administrators of the hospital, and a detailed review of their medical charts. But the process doesn't end there because even if the hospital receives the accreditation, all the surgeons will still have to pass all the individual requirements in their category before they will given recognition.

Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence believes that the hospitals and its surgeons should work together to make sure that their patients receive the best care. Also, once the hospital and the surgeons obtain the recognition as one of the obesity surgery center of excellence they must continue to work hard to maintain in that standing as they will be site inspected and re-evaluated every three years. Accredited hospitals must upgrade in their facilities, while surgeons need to be board-certified and should demonstrate noteworthy expertise in bariatric surgery.

Those above mentioned criteria will help you in choosing the right obesity surgery center and surgeon, to make the procedure you are about to undergo a successful one. Make those criteria as your guide and check list to help make the right decision, as this procedure will not only help you lose weight, it can also bring back a new and healthy you.


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